I'm Radhika!

Since 2013, I’ve had the honor of coaching 1000s of successful women to tap into purpose, reduce stress, and increase joy.

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Learn my 10 Ways to Master Stress & Cultivate Inner Peace


6 Signs You Will Benefit Working With A Mentor to Get Unstuck

6 Signs You Should Consider Executive Coaching 

If you recognize one or more of these signs in your life, it might be time to consider working with a coach :


  1. Chronic Fatigue and Low Energy: If you find yourself feeling fatigued and low on energy most days, it’s a clear indicator that you could benefit from coaching for increased vitality and wellness.
  2. Undiagnosed Food Sensitivities: Suspecting food sensitivities but lacking a clear diagnosis can be frustrating. A functional nutrition health coach can help you navigate dietary challenges, leading to improved health.
  3. Inconsistent Digestion: If you’ve tried various remedies for your inconsistent digestion without success, coaching can provide you with a structured approach to finding relief and digestive wellness.
  4. Work-Life Balance Struggles: Balancing a demanding work life with family responsibilities can be overwhelming. A coach can help you find strategies to achieve a better work-life equilibrium, promoting overall wellness.
  5. Guilt Surrounding Pleasure: If you feel guilty whenever you take time for yourself and have forgotten how to enjoy rest and pleasure, a coach can help you rediscover these essential aspects of life and emotional wellness.
  6. Feeling Lost: Sometimes, life can feel like a maze without a map. A coach can be your guidebook to navigate the complexities of life, enhancing your overall well-being and clarity.

Investing in yourself is like performing practical magic for your well-being. Neglecting self-care, on the other hand, is akin to driving a car without fuel or maintenance and expecting it to run smoothly. Many adults bear the weight of their responsibilities and avoid seeking help, which can lead to anxiety, depression, physical illness, and eventual burnout. However, seeking guidance is a sign of strength, not weakness.

We All Need Support

Regardless of our successes, we all need support. Even if you’re the captain of your team, having someone educate, guide, and hold you accountable to healthy change can make a significant difference. A qualified coach will help you see yourself in a new light and bring awareness to stressors that have become normalized. Your coach will be your support team, helping you prioritize self-nourishment, even amid a busy schedule.

I am a certified health and life coach and mentor, specializing in assisting busy women professionals and entrepreneurs just like you. My approach centers around addressing four key pillars:

Physical Health: Ensuring your body is in optimal condition for improved wellness.

Mental/Cognitive Health: Enhancing mental clarity and cognitive function for overall well-being.

Emotional Well-being: Managing emotions effectively to promote emotional wellness.

Spiritual Growth: Nurturing your inner self for holistic well-being.


Healing the Whole You

Traditional medicine often treats symptoms rather than their root causes. To truly address the causes of your symptoms, we must consider your whole being—your diet, your mind, your emotions, and your spirit.

So, how do we treat the whole person rather than just the symptoms?

We do this through coaching, mentoring, functional lab testing, accountability, and drawing from neuroscience, ancient wisdom practices from Ayurveda, and positive psychology. By taking this holistic approach, we uncover the root causes in all these areas, complemented by a functional diagnostic approach that includes diet, rest, exercise, stress management, and targeted herbs and supplements.

Seeking coaching opens doors to healing opportunities, restores balance, and empowers you to reach your highest potential. The benefits extend not only to you but also to your loved ones, your work, and your overall quality of life. You deserve the tools to stay energized, feel light, resilient, and maintain a state of flow and calm.

The outcome of in-depth coaching is akin to having your personal guidebook for life.

Connect with me here to learn more –

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Since 2013, I’ve had the honor of coaching 1000s of successful women to tap into purpose, reduce stress, and increase joy. Drawing from my background in psychology, the ancient embodied wisdom of Ayurveda and yoga philosophy, studies in nutrition and life coaching, as well as my personal experience as a corporate executive, my unique approach helps empower you to shift old habits and elevate your wellbeing for lasting change.

The results? The whole self—the whole you—operating at a heightened level of wellbeing every day, equipped with the tools to maintain it for life.

meet radhika


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    10 Ways to Master Stress and Cultivate Inner Peace

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    Radhika currently lives and works between the ancestral lands of the Tséstho’e (Cheyenne), Očhéthi Šakówin and Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute) so-called South of Denver in Colorado